HelioCampus Administrative Quality & Satisfaction Survey (AQSS) FAQs
The University of Utah is seeking feedback from faculty and staff to enhance data-driven decision-making, with the goal of improving the quality of and satisfaction with central administrative services based on the feedback received.
The survey will be distributed by email using Qualtrics, an online survey platform. Recipients will receive a personalized email from noreply@qualtrics-research.com. Please do not forward or otherwise share your individual survey link.
The University of Utah has partnered with HelioCampus, a third-party organization, to distribute the survey and keep your responses confidential. HelioCampus will not share your identity with the university unless there are legal reporting requirements related to harassment, abuse or threat of harm. To anonymously and confidentially report ethical dilemmas or concerns in general, you can do so securely through NAVEX EthicsPoint.
October 28 – November 11, 2024
University leaders will send an introductory email to faculty and staff on October 28, 2024, informing recipients that their individualized survey invitation email will arrive later that day, encouraging them to complete the survey. The survey will close at 5 p.m. on November 11, 2024. Prior to the deadline, two reminder emails will be sent to individuals who have not yet completed the survey.
The survey is being emailed to all faculty and staff who are .5 FTE and above.
The survey will ask about finance, human resources, information technology, and research administration, along with the following sub-activities:
Administrative Activity | Finance | Human Resources | Information Technology |
Research Administration |
Administrative Sub-activities |
Payments | Benefits | Software/application development and maintenance |
Pre-award and post-award management |
Financial reporting |
Classification and compensation | Teaching/learning technologies |
Research compliance |
Payroll processing |
Infrastructure and operations |
Management of programs and processes related to technology licensing, transfer and commercialization |
General accounting |
Employee relations |
Security/privacy |
Procurement |
Hiring and recruiting |
User support |
Training and development |
The survey will ask you if you have any experience with certain administrative activities and sub-activities. For each “yes” response, you’ll be asked to rate your satisfaction on a 1 to 5 Likert scale. You’ll also have the option to enter additional information in an open-ended text field.
According to HelioCampus, most people complete the survey within 5-10 minutes. The amount of time varies depending on the number of administrative activities and sub-activities selected, and the amount of detail provided in the open-ended responses.
You cannot change responses after submitting. However, if you feel there was an error, you can contact surveys@heliocampus.com to request a full or partial reset to your survey.
HelioCampus will analyze the results and all identifying information will be removed from the analysis and report. The report will be shared with senior leadership across the University of Utah.
Yes. While both surveys are focused on improving the University of Utah, the HelioCampus survey is focusing specifically on administrative services including finance, human resources, information technology, and research administration. For more information regarding the BetterU survey, please visit PULSE.
Please contact surveys@heliocampus.com to have your link sent to you.
Your individual survey email will be sent at 4 p.m. MDT on October 28, 2024. It may take up to a few hours to arrive in your UMail inbox. Please check your spam/junk folder and other filters for the email. If you are unable to find the email, please contact surveys@heliocampus.com.
If you have questions or concerns about this survey, please contact Theresa Ashman, Associate Vice President of Financial Services, at theresa.ashman@admin.utah.edu.