

Inside FS | Purchasing

The University of Utah’s Purchasing Department offers comprehensive procurement and supply chain services to support the entire campus community. Whether you’re sourcing supplies, making purchases or working with vendors, they offer a range of services designed to streamline the process and stay in compliance with both university policy and Utah state law.   

There are several ways that goods and services can be purchased – depending on what is being purchased, the dollar amount and the nature of the purchase. 


Purchases Under $10,000 

When the total non-restricted purchase – including shipping – is $10,000 or less, a campus department is authorized to purchase using one of the following methods:  


Purchases Over $10,000 

When the total purchase – including shipping – is over $10,000, a Purchasing department buyer needs to finalize the order. This involves approving a contracted purchase, conducting a bid or proposal process, approving a sole source or other exemption request. To kick off the purchasing process for these goods, users submit a UShop requisition or ePR for specific non-procurement transactions.  

The Purchasing team provides information to vendors and suppliers about how to do business with the university, from registration to the bid submission process. Additionally, the department has collaborated with the Office of Sustainability to support Environmentally Preferred Purchasing (EPP) practices. This encourages sourcing and purchasing products and minimize negative environmental impacts through material composition, manufacturing, packaging, transport and more.  

More than anything, Purchasing is a group of dedicated professionals who are excited to help the campus community. They understand the state procurement code and university policies can be time-consuming and complicated. Purchasing’s mission is to help departments understand the best way to navigate the required processes while finding the best value using university funds.  

You can learn more about Purchasing by visiting their website. 


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