Learn more about Steffany’s time with FS:
Department: Bursar’s Office/Income Accounting
Title: Bursar
1. How long have you worked for Financial Services and what different roles have you had in FS?
I have worked for Financial Services, full-time, for 40 years and my career has specifically been in Income Accounting.
I started part time as an accounting clerk. When I moved to full-time, I was a cashier in the vault. I was responsible for processing the departmental deposits that we do for all of campus. But I’ve worked in nearly every role in the department.
2. What’s one accomplishment that you’re particularly proud of from your time working in Financial Services?
I would have to say the implementation of PeopleSoft for our department. I was the financial lead.
I’m proud of that project because we’re still using it today. It was a campus-wide project, so all systems are using PeopleSoft Oracle. But it was more specific to our module and getting it up and running so that students didn’t have the issue of “What’s coming next?”
It took a while to work out the kinks, but just knowing we had a system that was able to give students real-time visibility to their account with tuition charged and making payment – that was a whole new world for us. I think that was a great improvement.
3. What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned during your time with FS?
I would say it’s the ability to listen to your staff. I’ve found that when you create relationships with your employees, it allows for more give and take, which leads to positive feedback from employees.
They feel like they can come to you and have an honest conversation when problems do come up. When we’re facing a challenge, we can sit down and talk through it together because we know each other and have established a relationship where they know that I hear them.
4. If you could go back to your first day and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?
I would say that it isn’t going to be easy, but there is always a solution.
5. What’s been your favorite part of working for Financial Services?
I would say the stability and longevity of the employees. Working with people you’re familiar with allows you to be able to do your job without worrying about what’s working and what’s not. I think it helps me feel comfortable to do my job because I know that my employees know how to do their job. It’s created a nice cohesiveness in our department.
6. Why do you think someone should apply to work with Financial Services?
In my world of tuition accounts, it’s very structured but there is the ability to be creative and add in your own style to what you do. There’s specific information you need to get or provide, but there are so many variables with how you get that information. Allowing someone to have the freedom that works for them in coming into a position is definitely a strength of FS. Even though we’re in an accounting field, it’s not all “nuts and bolts”. It’s not all numbers.
7. Any final thoughts?
I definitely want to shout out my employees because they make it easy for the department to run. I’m very grateful to have the staff that I have.
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