

How to Find Equipment

Do you need a piece of equipment? Is it possible that the equipment you need exists on campus and is not being used? Follow the instructions below to find equipment you need for your project.

Open the Financial Information Library

OR Click on the Financial Information Library link in Financial & Business Services pagelet in CIS.  Navigate to the Financial & Business Services page and click on the Financial Information Library tile

After the Financial Information Library opens, click on the Assets folder to expand the folder.

Financial Information Library

Select the Equipment Search Report


Financial Information Library

To search for equipment , the user must use a “%” symbol (called a wildcard) before and after each search term. Uppercase font is also required. Example: If searching for a computer, enter %COMPUTER% in the Description field.

After inputting the search criteria, click the Get Results button

Financial Information Library


Results of Search

This information can be used to contact the owner of the equipment.

  • Asset ID
  • Asset Description
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • OrgID
  • Org Description
  • Inventory Controller
  • Inventory Controller Phone
  • Inventory Controller Email

Financial & Human Resources Information Library Equipment Search Help Page

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