

Home Surplus & Salvage Surplus Pickup

Surplus Pickup

Arrange to Send Excess University Property to Surplus & Salvage

Step 1:
Complete a Retirement-Transfer (RT) Form(s). Please use the example provided as a reference.

Note: If you have trouble downloading the RT form or the number isn't showing correctly, try using Chrome or Chromium-based Edge and enable JavaScript in settings.
Retirement-Transfer (RT) Form
Step 2:
Submit an online work order request. This will get your department in line for the pickup of the property listed on the RT form(s). In the field “Description of Property to be turned in” please give a general idea of the scope of property being sent to us.

Surplus will verify the information on the RT Form(s) at the time of removal of the property and sign the RT form(s). The Surplus employee will keep the original, signed copy of the RT form(s). You will keep a signed copy of the RT form for your departmental records.

Give the Surplus employee the original signed copy of the RT form(s) and keep a signed copy of the RT form for your departmental records.

Surplus reserves the right to correct signed RT form(s). This is especially true for property delivered or picked up by Surplus where it was not possible to verify the RT form(s) at the time of pickup or delivery (e.g. Lost and Found in bags or boxes). This is also true if a row on the RT form is not explicit in its description (e.g. office supply, box of misc., e-waste, etc.) Surplus has found tablets, laptops and other property which needed a separate row on the RT form. Corrected RT form(s) are sent to Property Accounting.
Work Order Request Form

For further information, review University of Utah Regulations (Policy 3-040)

Property Security

This section is intended as a brief overview and does not include every aspect of security or safety.

    • Property should be double-checked to ensure no documents are left behind in desks, file cabinets, or other storage units. All locked cabinets or drawers should be unlocked.
    • Sensitive data must be handled in accordance with university regulations and department policies. It should not be sent to University Surplus and Salvage.
    • Identify hard drives and other electronic data storage devices, including equipment such as computers, high-end copiers, cell phones, and medical devices. Dispose of data storage devices according to your department’s approved procedures. University Surplus destroys hard drives at no charge and sends e-waste to approved recyclers. Surplus follows G4-004N1 Media Sanitization and Destruction regulations and Policy 3-041 Accountability for Noncapital Equipment (see III.B.5).
    • Record asset identification numbers, descriptions, makes, models, and serial numbers on the retirement or transfer paperwork. Use the Retirement/Transfer Form (RT), available on the Property Accounting website.
    • Do not block hallways, aisles, or fire exits with property.
    • Do not place equipment in stairwells (this violates fire codes).
    • Do not block fire extinguishers.
    • When lifting, use your legs—not your back. Keep your back straight and bend with your knees.
    • Use proper material handling equipment to move property and always wear gloves.
  • Do not dispose of metal in trash bins. The University recycles metals.

    • Keep property in a secure area.
    • Ensure someone is present when US&S receives property to resolve any discrepancies between the paperwork and the equipment.
    • Turn in surplus as soon as possible. Do not wait to gather a large truckload. Some items lose value quickly, and it’s easier for US&S to remove equipment promptly.
    • Surplus will not accept hazardous or infectious waste. This is handled by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S). Examples of hazardous waste are oils, chemicals, unknown substances, ignitable waste, corrosive waste, reactive waste, toxic materials, pesticides, sharps and paints.
    • Examples of equipment with potential hazardous or infectious waste are coulter counters (mercury), thermometers (mercury), power supplies with oil transformers, pipes with asbestos insulation, ceiling tiles (need to be tested for asbestos), syringes, needles, glass vials and any garbage can with a bio hazard label. The bio hazard labels must be removed before US&S can take the garbage cans.
  • Freon and the compressor must be removed from these units before they will be received by US&S. See refrigeration equipment and appliance disposal information at the Office of Environmental Health and Safety website. Examples of equipment with refrigeration compressors are window air conditioners, freezers, ultra-low freezers, refrigerated centrifuges, refrigerators and water fountains.

  • Surplus will not accept equipment containing radioactive materials. These items are disposed by US&S after the source is removed by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS). Examples of equipment that must be cleared first by EHS are scintillation units and X-Ray machines.

  • Equipment needs to be cleaned before it is sent to US&S like, Biosafety cabinets, fume hoods and microtomes. Any Biohazard labels must be removed. Follow guidelines of the Office of Environmental Health and Safety Department.