e-Journal Entry Preparer Security Access Form Preparer Information Preparer Name * Preparer Name First First Last Last Preparer Emplid * Preparer Phone * Preparer Email * Owner Org List the highest level/highest rollup Organization for which you are requesting preparer access. We want to capture the Organization that is ultimately responsible for the journal entries you prepare. The Organization you list here in no way restricts the chartfields used in your journal entries. If you create journal entries for multiple, unrelated Organizations, submit this form multiple times, once for each Owner Org. Orgid * Org Name * Default Approvers (optional): You may elect to have up to three departmental approvers automatically added to every e-Journal you create. If it is more convenient for you to remove approvers when they are not required/available, rather than adding them each time they are needed, this option may work best for you. Provide the Name and Emplid of each default approver. If you leave the Level blank, each approver will be auto-assigned level 1 and the approvals can occur concurrently. If you have more than one default approver, and want the approvals to happen in a particular order, number the order in which they should occur in the Level field. First Departmental Approver Departmental Approver Name Departmental Approver Name First First Last Last Departmental Approver Emplid Level Second Departmental Approver Departmental Approver Name Departmental Approver Name First First Last Last Departmental Approver Emplid Level Third Departmental Approver Departmental Approver Name Departmental Approver Name First First Last Last Level Departmental Approver Emplid Additional information we should consider when processing this request: Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.